Registration (non-league)
There are several ways to register for programs and activities.
- In Office - Stop by the Paducah Parks & Recreation Office located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue to register with cash, check, or debit/credit card.
- Over the Phone using a credit card - Call the Parks office at 270-444-8508.
- By Mail - Download the Registration Form and mail to Parks and Recreation with a payment in the form of a check.
- Online - A credit/debit card is required for online registration for an activity, reserve a shelter or to reserve ballfields. The online registration links allows for the viewing of programs, facilities, and activities. An account is required to register.
League Registration
Each team must complete and turn in a Team Registration Form when they register for a league. Also each player must complete and sign the Individual Player Waiver Form prior to playing in any league game. Forms must be turned into team captains and then turned into the Parks & Recreation office located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue before the registration deadline. On the form, players must indicate the team and league on which they are playing. A separate form must be completed for each sports league. Players who do not complete the Individual Player Waiver Form and submit it to the Parks & Recreation office prior to league start will not be permitted to play in the league until Parks receives the form.
Team Registration Form Individual Player Waiver Form
Adult Sports Leagues and Activities
- Rules of Conduct
The City of Paducah takes pride in its parks and has enacted the Rules of Conduct (Chapter 70 Paducah Code of Ordinances) for residents and visitors as they enjoy Paducah's parks and facilities.
Sportsmanship – All players, coaches and spectators are required to display good sportsmanship before, during and after all games on and off the court/field while at Paducah Parks and Recreation activities. Players, coaches, and spectators not displaying good sportsmanship may be ejected or suspended as determined by the Paducah Parks and Recreation staff in accordance with the Parks Behavior Policy.
Behavior Policy - Paducah Parks and Recreation under no circumstance will tolerate verbal and/or physical abuse of any staff member, umpire/referee, or program participant. The penalties for any of the above behaviors are strict and strongly enforced. First time offenders may be suspended for a minimum of 1-year from all Parks and Recreation programming. It is our mission that all participants as well as employees feel safe and are protected from any type of abuse.
- Basketball
The Paducah Recreation Center offers Open Gym Basketball on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Participants must have a current Paducah Recreation Center membership to participate. Follow the link for an updated monthly calendar and information on membership rates.
- Futsal
2024 Adult Futsal League
Registration for Adult Futsal League begins July 26. The registration deadline has been extended to Thursday, August 22 at 4:30 pm. Games begin Sunday August 25. You can register as a team or as an individual if you are looking to join a team. The cost to register a team is $250 + tax and Individual registration is $30+tax which must be done in person at 2701 Park Ave or over the phone at 270-444-8508. A team registration/roster form will need to be filled out at the time of registration. Individual Player Waivers will need to be filled out by every player on the roster at time of registration. Forms can be returned to Paducah Parks & Recreation office located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue or emailed to
The 2024 Adult Futsal League will be played on Sunday evenings at the Paducah Recreation Center located at 1527 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. Games begin August 25 and continue through September 29. There will not be games on September 1 due to Labor Day weekend. Schedules will be sent out after registration. Games are 5 v 5 and teams can have a max of 10 players on their roster. Players must be at least 18 years of age.
- Kickball
2024 Fall Adult Kickball League
The registration deadline for Fall Adult Kickball League has been extended to August 22 at 4:30 pm. Games begin August 29. You can register as a team. The cost to register a team is $200 (tax included) which must be done in person or over the phone. A team registration/roster form will need to be completed at the time of registration. Individual Player Waivers will need to be completed by every player on the roster at time of registration. Forms can be returned to Paducah Parks & Recreation office located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue or emailed to
The 2024 Fall Adult Kickball League will be played on Thursday evenings at the Noble Park Ball Fields. The season will include a SIX game regular season with a double elimination tournament for an EIGHT game guarantee. Teams must be coed with ten players in the field at once. Check the rules for additional information on male/female ratios. Players must be at least 18 years of age. There is a 20 player limit on Team Rosters.
Paducah Parks & Recreation offers Summer and Fall kickball leagues.
- Pickleball
2024 Paddle Up Paducah Pickleball Tournament
Paducah Parks & Recreation is hosting the Paddle Up Paducah Pickleball Tournament at the Noble Park Pickleball Courts on the final weekend in September. Men’s Doubles and Women’s Doubles will play Saturday, September 28. Mixed Doubles will play Sunday, September 29. Division days may change based on enrollment. There are four skill levels offered to players at registration. The levels are 2.5, 3.0, 3.5,and 4.0. The skill rating definitions are listed on the following websites: and
Participants are responsible for ensuring they have a partner for the event and provide the name of their partner when registering. Since all events are in a doubles format, both partners will need to register for each event in which they are participating. Medals will be handed out in each division for first, second, and third place teams for each skill level. There is a four match guarantee. Men's Doubles will begin at 9:00am on Saturday. Women's Doubles will begin at 1:00pm on Saturday. Mixed Doubles will start at Noon on Sunday.
Sponsorships are available for the Paddle Up Paducah Pickleball Tournament. For more information contact Taylor Morsching with Paducah Parks & Recreation at 270-444-1331 or
Registration begins August 1. Early bird registration for the Paddle Up Paducah Pickleball Tournament ends on Thursday, August 29. This deadline guarantees participants a t-shirt in their size. The final deadline is set for Thursday, September 19. The cost is $25 per person (tax included). The player can compete in two events for an extra $10 fee (tax included). Players must be at least 16 years or older.
Register at the Paducah Parks & Recreation office located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue, call the office at 270-444-8508 or register online. All participants will need to fill out a Paddle Up Paducah Pickleball Tournament Registration Form/Waiver. Both players on a doubles team must register.
Tournament Information
- This tournament will have a running schedule so you will have to stay on site and be ready to play. We will do our best to be efficient and keep waiting times in between matches to a minimum
- This is a non-sanctioned tournament.
- We expect all players and spectators to show good sportsmanship during this tournament. Failure to do this could result in ejection from the tournament.
- All games will be self-officiated.
- Tournament matches will be one game to 15, win by 2
- The start of the match will be determined by coin flip. The winner of the coin flip may either serve first or defer and choose which side of the court to start on.
- There will only be one timeout allowed per team, per match. Each timeout will last one minute.
- Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.
- It’s crucial that you arrive 30 minutes prior to start time to check-in at the registration desk and to pick-up your swag bag. You must check in each day that you play.
- We will go over the format of each bracket, each day before starting to make sure you and your partner understand how each bracket is being played.
- There will be a practice court available to warm-up before or in between your matches.
- The tournament brackets will be released the week of the tournament and emailed to players
- Please be sure that you stay HYDRATED! Make sure to bring your own bottle for hydration.
- Dress appropriately for the weather.
- Restrooms will be available on-site.
Tournament Brackets
- Will be released after registration deadlines.
Sponsorship Opportunities
- $500 Gold Sponsorship: Company name and logo on all marketing materials and social media posts for the event. Single court sponsorship during tournament. Company logo on athlete t-shirts. Company flyer/item in athlete participation bag. Company representative can assist with handing out medals at awards ceremony.
- $300 Silver Sponsorship: Single court sponsorship during tournament. Company logo on athlete t-shirts. Company flyer/item in athlete participation bag.
- $100 Bronze Sponsor: Company flyer/items in athlete participation bag
Contact Drake Stepter at 270-444-8528 or to discuss sponsorship opportunities with Paddle Up Paducah Pickleball Tournament.
- Softball
Paducah Parks and Recreation will not be offering Adult Softball in 2024 at Stuart Nelson Park.
- Tennis
Adult Tennis Clinics
Adult Tennis Clinics has four sessions per month on Saturday mornings at the Noble Park Tennis Courts from May to October. The 3.0 & Under Level and the 3.5+ Level will both be from 9am until 10:30am. The cost is $100 + tax for each month's four sessions. Clinic spots are limited to eight per class so we recommend registering ahead of time. There will also be a Drop In Option which is $30 per Saturday. Registration for the drop in rate option can only happen the week of and there must be spots available. Clinics are conducted by Paducah Tennis Association.
2024 dates are listed below for each monthly session:
- May 4, 11, 18 & 25
- June 1, 15, 22, & 29
- July 6, 13, 20 & 27
- August 3, 17, 24, & 31
- September 7, 14, 21, & 28
- October 5, 12, 19, & 26
To register, contact Paducah Parks & Recreation at 270-444-8508, register at the Parks & Recreation Office located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue or register online.
Adult Mixed Doubles League
Paducah Tennis Association and Paducah Parks & Recreation are offering an adult mixed doubles league at the Noble Park Tennis Courts this fall on Monday and Thursday evenings. The cost is $25 plus tax per person. Both partners have to register and pay the $25 fee. League is from September 9 - October 3 beginning at 6:00pm each night. Teams must provide one can of balls per match.
To register, contact Paducah Parks & Recreation at 270-444-8508, register at the Parks & Recreation Office located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue or register online.
Cardio Tennis
Cardio Tennis for Adults is being offered by Paducah Parks & Recreation and the Paducah Tennis Association and will be led by local instructors. This is for tennis players of all ability levels with a fun atmosphere that includes plenty of moving. Please bring a racquet and water. All sessions will be at the Noble Park Tennis Courts. Max of 8 participants per session. Sessions are FREE however, we ask all participants to pre-register.
There are two sessions at the following dates and times: Saturday September 28 and Saturday October 5 both at 9:00 am.
To pre-register, contact Paducah Parks & Recreation at 270-444-8508, register at the Parks & Recreation Office located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue or register online.
Tennis Apprentice 2
Tennis Apprentice 2 is for graduates of Tennis Apprentice 1 or tennis players wanting more instruction. This program is being offered by the Paducah Tennis Association and Paducah Parks & Recreation. Balls are provide. Please bring a racquet or the PTA will provide one. The six sessions begin at 6:00pm on the following days: Wednesday September 11, Sunday September 15, Wednesday September 18, Sunday September 22, Wednesday September 25, and Sunday September 29. All sessions will be at the Noble Park Tennis Courts. The cost is $70 plus tax and the registration deadline is Monday, September 9.
To pre-register, contact Paducah Parks & Recreation at 270-444-8508, register at the Parks & Recreation Office located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue or register online.
Glow Tennis
We are excited to invite tennis players to the Glow Tennis Night at the Noble Park Tennis Courts on Friday, October 4, 2024, from 7 until 9 p.m. It is free to play, but we ask everyone to pre-register by September 30.
To pre-register, contact Paducah Parks & Recreation at 270-444-8508, register at the Parks & Recreation Office located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue or register online.
Tennis Draw Your Partner Doubles
Come and enjoy Tennis Draw Your Partner Doubles, a social event for tennis enthusiasts where doubles teams will be randomly drawn throughout the night. You can attend by yourself or with a group, and it is open to tennis players ages 16 and older. Tennis players of all playing abilities are welcome to play. It is FREE to participate, and door prizes will be drawn for those who attend! You can register at the Noble Park Tennis Courts when you arrive.
2024 Dates
- Monday, June 10 at 6 p.m.
- Monday, July 29 at 6 p.m. (rescheduled from rained out July 8 date)
- Monday, August 26, at 6 p.m.
- Volleyball
Volleyball Open Gym
Paducah Parks & Recreation offers Volleyball Open Gym at the Paducah Recreation Center located at 1527 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive on Tuesdays (6:30 - 9 p.m.), Thursdays (6:30 - 9 p.m.) and Sundays (1:30 - 4:30 p.m.)
Typically 12-20 people attend. Volleyball Open Gym is open to all playing abilities. A Paducah Recreation Center Membership is required in order to play.